Monday, April 30, 2007


Grandma & Grandpa Collins,

Jennifer and I love you.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Crown Financial

Jennifer and I attended a Crown Financial Ministries seminar tonight. We are actually graduates of the 10 week Bible study, but decided to go to this weekend course as a refresher. The Lord has blessed Jennifer and I greatly in our financial situation. Lord willing by July 15th, 2007 we will be totally out of debt with exception to our mortgage! In just about 19 months, the time since starting the Crown Bible study, we have managed to pay off 3 credit cards, a student loan, a personal loan. This was daunting at times, but the Lord has been very gracious and faithful with our finances even when we were not.

It is very exciting for both Jennifer and I to be out from underneath the burden of debt. But on a personal note, I am SUPER EXCITED!!! I made the worst financial decisions starting in college, and have been strangled by debt since then. The first of my really stupid financial decisions was to put the down payment for a motorcycle on a credit card (I thought college was supposed to make you smarter...guess not). Anyways, after many more financial decisions of not much less lunacy as the previously stated, I was trapped.

The Crown Financial Bible study taught me to look at finances from a Biblical perspective and gave me a better understanding of how the Lord would have us use His money. Together with my wonderful wife and the Lord, we are almost out of debt!!!


Thursday, April 26, 2007


I am officially a blogging slacker. This is typical of me. It's like running, you see...

I am a sprinter, I go fast for a short period of time and then I am through. Like my blogging experience I was blog blog blog and then that's it. Never to be heard from again.

Until now. Perhaps I am well rested and ready for another sprint, or perhaps I have been conditioning myself during my time away to run an endurance race. Let's start with a "1 mile fun run". I don't want to be too ambitious!